1. Adults
  2. Languages taught

Choose the language(s) you would like to learn

Whatever language you want to learn,
CLL has the solution with over 29 languages taught

Discover the 6 languages offered in group and individual courses:

NL flagEN flagflag FRES flagDE flagJA flag

+ 23 other languages available on request for individual training courses

For each language, a team of professionals will accompany you all along the way.

We work with over 600 experienced trainers and a specialised team of advisers to offer you courses helping you make rapid progress, whatever language you want to master.

CLL’s trainers are mostly native speakers, and have both objective and intuitive knowledge of their language. With a university degree, their skills combine linguistic knowledge and training in a variety of fields. They are as attentive to the evolution of their language as they are to it’s specific and unique qualities. Flexibility and adaptability are what it’s all about.
