The Eaquals guarantee
for Language Centres

It meets the highest high standards of professional ethics and integrity in all aspects of its activities.
It offers top-quality opportunities for language learning and/or teacher training, within the framework of organised lighting programs, and fully transparent and efficient assessment systems.
All facilities, resources and materials required for language learning and/or teacher training, including e-learning platforms, meet student needs and course objectives.
All the advertising material used is factual, comprehensive and easy to understand; it gives a complete and transparent description of all the courses on offer, including all questions concerning the admission, registration and assessment systems, as well as the corresponding costs.
The centre provides a a work and study environment free of discrimination of any kind against students, staff or other stakeholders on the basis of gender, age, sexual orientation, race or religion; the organisation strives to make arrangements to accommodate people with special needs.
It provides high-level support and advice to students to students on all matters relating to their course, including regular feedback and information on procedures for dealing with problems.
All persons employed in the Language Centre’s activities are competent, duly trained and supervised.
All the teachers or trainers employed at the Language Centre are qualified and experienced in teaching the languages offered; they are supervised by a fully qualified academic manager.
Regular support, as well as appropriate and effective continuing professional development training, is offered to all administrative, teaching and training staff.
All staff employed by the Language Centre have received a written contract or letter of agreement specifying the terms and conditions of employment. General terms and conditions of employment are fair and reasonable; they comply with, or exceed, all relevant local or national regulations and standards.