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Which method is used at CLL?

The content of all our language courses follows the same structure, developed by CLL, to enable you to progress as much as possible.

Méthodologie cours CLL

1. Placement Test

Before the start of the course, we ask you to take a placement test online.* The result of this test allows us to place you in an appropriate group.

2. Content of the Courses

Our courses are centred around your specific needs and these are integrated into each programme. Our main objective is to help you to communicate confidently in real life situations (professional, private, social, academic, etc.).

Even though our courses are more oriented to oral expression and listening, you will also be able to practice reading and writing to acquire a complete comprehension of the language and to be certain of achieving your full potential.

The general, cultural and professional themes are based on the needs of the group.

3. Evaluation of Progress

During your training, we help you to measure the development of your skills by providing you with continuous feedback on your progress (formative evaluation).

At the end of each full CEFR level, we offer a final evaluation, allowing you to situate yourself on the European scale.

At the end of the training, we help you to continue to progress by giving you advice and recommendations for self-study and practice.

* Face-to-face test during the first lesson for the following languages: Italian, Portuguese, Arabic, Russian, Chinese, Japanese

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